Basically, my generally nonexistent roommate has been around, confirming to me that I am meant to live alone (but I don't want to sign a 1-year lease, oh the dilemma). I got home on Wednesday at about 9 pm. He put the chain lock on the door, so I knocked and he let me in and flashed me a dirty look.
So, because I wanted to escape the roommate, I decided to go to NY this weekend and it all worked out a little too perfectly.
I literally decided about 10 minutes before I left work Friday (after deciding not to go and making tentative plans for the weekend here). My bus trips were only 4 hours each way -- and I didn't reserve or prepay. I had such a blast. The weather was gorgeous. I ate tons of great food. Hung out a lot in the East Village. I am sorry, U St. and Adams Morgan can't compare, though Ave. A reminds me of 24th St. in the Mission, but less scary.
NY is just so cool. I can't believe I EVER compared it to D.C. (i.e. when I was in law school). What ever was I thinking? It feels so safe. The food is so yummy and there is so much variety. There is so much stuff going on late night. There is so much diversity - every color, shape, and size is represented. I don't find it overwhelming at all. I probably need to still live there. Darn, I am confused. I wish I got to live multiple lives.
The highlight of the weekend was seeing Avenue Q (and of course hanging out with Beverly and Priscilla). I have been wanting to see the play for the last 3 years and had such high expectations. I had heard the music, but the context for this is everything. I went with Beverly and the play was sold out. We lost the lottery, but someone who won sold us their tickets, so we had nose bleeds. Anyway, I love the play. It is hilarious. I mean, the content is so dark, but it is presented in this really unique way that makes it so light-hearted and endearing. My favorite line is at the end, which says "Sometimes life is scary, but it's only temporary."
Today I saw my brother Dale and his family in Rye. This is the first time I have hung out with family from my dad's side since he passed away. Dale and I have a very natural bond, though we are very different; he is a die-hard republican, and a Mr. Fix-it/tech maven. He thinks it's crazy that I have travelled to Iceland and Israel and eat Indian and know about churrascarias. But, we have a lot of like for each other. And respect. We went "geocaching", which is like treasure-hunting. Apparantly, it's this hot thing that people are obsessed with. There are all these folk terms for geocache muggers, and the like. We went through a marsh and it was a lot of fun. My niece, Amelia, is 10 and seems very well-adjusted. It was great to talk about dad. I know -- wherever he is -- he is happy that Dale and I spent the day together.
Seems like my sister is coming to visit in D.C. Doug decided all of the sudden that he wanted to come to D.C., so after virtually begging her for the last 6 months with no firm committment (mainly b/c I want to spend time with Parker and Emma), it seems like it's going to happen. We had a little argument about them staying at the Mandarin Oriental, which is in SW. I told them it was sketchy - but they were like "it's on the tidal basin" and I was like, "and?" I find his level of power in the relationship so frustrating, but I am not going to lose sleep about it. They know what I think and I've thought it for so long that it really has no bearing on anything.