It's interesting how points-of-reference change.
We were talking about how much Vanna White must make - and my friend guessed 100K and I was like hell no - she must make 300-500K. (How much do you think Vanna White makes? Whatever it is, she looks very good for her agel she will be 50 on February 18.)
Then, last night I was at a party and we got to talking about health care policy and this girl is like, "doctors make 100K - so they should be more responsible with their patients..." And, I was thinking "whatever doctor only makes 100K and is not a Doctors Without Borders type of doctor is probably not someone you want to see."
In both cases, when I heard 100K I was thinking that's not that much money. I mean, I don't make quite 100K, but it doesn't seem very unattainable. I have many good friends making twice that amount.
When I was growing up, my mom was a teacher. She had lots of degrees and seniority, so she made an especially good living for a teacher. I remember being really impressed with my mom's 70K-ish salary, and now I'm in awe by how she paid for everything (a Lexus, my private school, camp, etc. - this is not to say that she made responsible monetary decisions.) Even accounting for inflation, her money went far.
I also remember legitimately liking Tony Roma's, Outback, Macaroni Grille, and other chains (including Denny's) as my favorite restaurants. I still go to these places for novelty purposes (actually I haven't been to any of these restaurants in at least 2 years or more, except for the Chili's in the airport and the Friday's for a happy hour). Anyway, I don't take these restaurants seriously and probably wouldn't unless I lived in suburban Ohio.
Vanna makes at least $800K I would say. This is not including guest appearances on other shows, etc.
When I was living on my own or the first time and feeling my first feelings of brokeness, I used to think to myself, "Man, if only $5,000 would just fall into my lap, I'd be totally set." That magical number (at which all debt would be alleviated and all items on my gotta-have list could be mine), has grown exponentially. I don't even think about playing the lottery unless the jackpot is above $50 million. However, I'll never be able to stop legitimately liking chain restaurants. I've got my Midwestern upbringing to blame for that.
make less than $100k and W thinks you might as well be poor. http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB117073328051599192-_kX1OGvInYNleVkKHAFox_mzjxM_20080205.html
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