Friday, January 26, 2007


People are so flaky. After a 2-month search, and waiting for another month, and passing up dozens of qualified individuals in the process, I hired an Assistant Director who I thought was fantastic. I bent over backwards to accommodate her - even setting up a sublet for her with my friend. She was supposed to start on Monday, but waited until yesterday to drop the ball and bail. Very uncool. Things like this are good; she was obviously not committed enough to the job and probably would have left quickly anyway. It's probably karma for the time I accepted the position with the Center for Capital Litigation, which I stood up for a judicial externship in Chicago, which proved to be the most boring job I ever had. (Not the most miserable -- being carry-out boy who couldn't accept tips at Macy's, which violated labor law policy was the most miserable, but not boring).

I am on a mission to cook more, which I did last night - yay for my underused panini maker.

What's up with human nature? My colleague bought me one of those sporty headbands. It was a nice yellow (well GW calls it "buff") GW one. Well, I went to Baja Fresh the other day (and illegally ordered a kid's meal). I left my nifty headband there and went back to retrieve it (it was snowing outside). Lo and behold, when I approached the counterlady she said - oh yeah - I saw someone throw it away. Now I don't know if I should hate Baja Fresh, or continue to screw them over by exploiting their kids meals. I just want to mention right now that I think kids meals are the best, in terms of value and variety.

This morning was a blustery cold hell.

I have been in too many meetings.


Oni said...

Thank you for teaching me the ordering kids meals way. Though sometimes, I get very nervous!

Anonymous said...

What would compel someone to throw away a headband? I mean, why make the effort to throw it away instead of just leaving it there? I am so curious about this...

I am also curious about this celebrated kids meal. I will have to try it!